XALPEN is a raw Black Metal manifestation which emerges with real conviction and complete shamanic devotion by channeling ritualistic vibrations within the Black Arts and the Spiritual development. Guided by Ancestral traditions of Ancient occult knowledge. Euphoria, ecstasy, trance and demoniac commitment have taken form between the different hemispheres of the planet. Two Chilean demons: Juan Pablo Núñez (guitar & vocals) and Alvaro Lillo (bass & vocals), manifest and complete the endeavor (All Music & Lyrics) they started back in 2014.
Xalpen join the professional and dedicated Swedish Metal label BLACK LODGE/Sound Pollution.
XALPEN: “We are sincerely honored and very motivated about this alliance, it is and we know, much more to unveil in our path to approach the respectful listeners, hungry daemons, thirsty witches, psychotic entities and all the spiritual voyagers of this black trip, to the mysteries of the ancient era of pan-dimensional shamans and Dark Gods, building the strong bridges that transgressive music and chaotic forces creates, to fulfill the secret and obscure essence of Xalpen. We also, with no doubts, will support expectations and goals the band and Label will have for the upcoming time. For now, it´s a good start for more concrete plans, to set some live performances, possible further shows and/or even organize some tours dates for the uncertain future of this world”.
Under the name of “Sawken Xo´on” (“3 Shamans” translated from Selk´nam language) the material formed what it is the Xalpen´s first full-length Studio Album. Consisting of 7 aggressive Shamanic Black Metal tracks: 1- Devourer of Light (Ya´alwe Kar-t´en); 2- 1340; 3- Dark Nights of Winter (On Stekenjhio’ joshckek); 4- Han K´win Saik (For those who have departed); 5- Among the Pillars of Death (Han On Outeken Chesk); 6- Tres Chamanes (Sawken Xo´on); 7- The Formidable Fumes of Hell-Fire (On Tohown Tahner On K´ar Xawqekyen). Original version released in a limited cassette edition to 200pcs. (co-work association with Nigredo Records-Sweden), a CD edition (co-work association with Morbid Skull Records-El Salvador) and reissued on vinyl, CD and digital by Black Lodge/Sound pollution-Sweden.
Credits for this recording: Alvaro Lillo, Juan Pablo Nuñez, Cristian Cadiz, Joseph Merino, Ludvig Herlevsson & Dalila Belmar. Recorded at “Estudios Lira”, Santiago, Chile; “Maka Sapa”, Austin – Texas, USA & “La Ruca”, Stockholm, Sweden. (November 2019-January 2020). Mixed by Pablo Lopez at “AliveREC Productions” Stockholm, Sweden. Mastered by Pedro Aravena, in Hamburg, Germany. Design, illustration (Devourer of Light) & layout by Helgea Hekatae. Illustration (Among the Pillars of Death) by Sebastian Frigerio. Line Up on this album: – Keykròk (Guitar & vocals) – Tarem-Keláash (Bass & vocals) – K´awx (Guitar & vocals) – Kenenek (Drums) – Herrnash (Void of Noises). Spiritually, Intellectually and Conceptually Produced by XALPEN.
Black Rites (2016)
Wowk Otrr (2017)
Oh won Ksmet en Pewemet (2018)
Pahxay (2019)
Among the Pillars of Death (2020)
Sawken Xo´on (2020, Reissued 2021)
The Curse of Kwányep (2023)